18 JEWISH WORLD • APRIL 1 - 7, 2022 al bird species you want in your habitat. You’ll know you got the balance right when you see local specialized species, for instance Sardinian warblers and yel- low-vented bulbuls. “Nature speaks to us with signs. And one of the best visible signs is birds,” says Balaban. T he “carrying capacity” (av- erage population) of local birds in your designated nature area depends on whether they can find adequate food, shelter, water and mates. Here are some tips from Balaban to accomplish that. A pond, a stick pile, a bug hotel, or an array of nesting boxes are ex- amples of biological furniture that will make birds feel welcome in your garden. Bird feeders, Balaban says, “are a kind of intervention as a last resort. When used, they must be well-maintained, clean and safe from predators.” 1. Share edible plants Choose native varieties of fruit-bearing trees and bushes for your space based on what you like to eat. But be sure to share the bounty with birds by leaving some of the fruit unpicked. Unless you’re running a commercial farm, you will have plenty for yourself and your feathered friends. 2. Protect existing bird habitats In addition to setting up your own natural habitat, find a birding site near your home or workplace and take part in community activ- ities there. “There are many sites all over the world where people do this, in small wetlands or woodlands spot for nurturing nature, he says. A windowsill, balcony, roof- top, backyard, or garden tended by your community, school or workplace will do. All it needs is a source of water and a mosa- ic of biodiverse plants native to the location. Birds can be your By ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN B irds are an important part of the ecosystem that sustains us,” says Urban Nature Director Amir Bala- ban of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). “As they move around, they pol- linate plants, disperse seeds and control invertebrates,” he says. “They are pretty to watch and beau- tiful to listen to, so they are import- ant also for our mental health.” B alaban, a noted wildlife artist/ photographer, helped found two urban wildlife sites in Jerusa- lem: the Nili & David Jerusalem Bird Observatory and Gazelle Val- ley Park. No matter where you live — a farm, a suburban house, a city sky- scraper or anywhere else — you can mitigate humanity’s impact on the environment by choosing a barometer to measure the success of your efforts. “The type and number of birds we have indicates if our habitat is balanced and in good condi- tion,” Balaban . If you live in North America and most of the birds in your designated nature space are house sparrows, starlings and pigeons, your habitat is miss- ing the mark, says Balaban. The appearance of birds like cardi- nals, dark-eyed juncos and ru- by-throated hummingbirds in- dicate you’re on the right track. In England, ringneck parakeets and feral pigeons indicate a poor habitat, while birds such as rob- ins, dunnocks, hedge sparrows and goldfinches show you’ve got a good thing going. In Israel, hooded crows and mourning doves are not the ide- The Word About Israeli Birds Brought to you by a wingman from Jerusalem You can soften humanity’s environmental impact by nurturing nature. Seeing birds can measure the success of your efforts. REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK A male Palestine sunbird in a Jerusalem park. A female sparrowhawk in the Nyman Pond in the Nili & David Jerusalem Bird Observatory. A green nch in a wild urban habitat. This little king sher feels at home in Gazelle Valley Park, Jerusalem. Amir Balaban of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. “