JEWISH WORLD • APRIL 1 - 7, 2022 19 or meadows,” says Balaban. “If the site is under threat, your community can make a big dif- ference by working to protect these habitats.” 3. Join local wildlife conser- vation organizations Larger organized efforts make a positive difference for birds, says Balaban. In the United States, you can join theAudubon Society; in England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB); and in Israel, SPNI. But you don’t have to live in Is- rael to help protect its birds. “Peo- ple can sponsor specific projects in bird conservation,” says Balaban. These conservation projects take place at sites such as the Jerusalem Bird Observatory, International Birding and Research Center in Eilat, Jordan Valley Birding Cen- ter in Kfar Ruppin, Ramat HaNe- gev Birding Center at Midreshet Ben-Gurion, and Kibbutz Ma’agen Michael near Haifa. Abigail Klein Leichman is a writ- er and associate editor at Israel21c. “A last-resort intervention, bird feeders must only be used if they can be well- maintained, clean and safe from predators.” Gold nches on a n almond tree. This waterbird is called a little grebe. Birds continued from page 18 Daily hot lunch & snacks Arts & crafts Daily swimming Jewish enrichment Dedicated staff mini gan: 2-4 years old main division: 5-9 years old celebrate purim ROUXqupBuXec Xq ce| emOc Tep Bbm Bc qpBO` eT 4WO Bbmuecq SUMMER 2022 Mini chefs cTe Ċ pOUXqupBuXec× |||Õ O|XqW BbmuecqÕKebâ Đ ÍÊÈÕÊ2ÐÕÌÏ00 O}uÕË B'H mention this ad for a 5% discount!