26 JEWISH WORLD • APRIL 1 - 7, 2022 “When it comes to Israel, I have no ideology,” Nides had initially claimed. Then, on a webinar by the anti-Israel APN group, he let his freak flag fly and admitted what everyone already knew. “I’m center-left,” he joked. “I’m left generally, but I put in the ‘cen- ter’ just to make myself feel better.” It got worse from there. “You have a clear agenda. I think your agenda is where my heart is,” Nides told Americans for Peace Now. What is APN’s agenda? The anti-Israel group opposes Jews living in Jerusalem, opposes an- ti-BDS legislation, and oppos- es Jews defending themselves against Islamic terrorism. APN CEO Hadar Susskind praised Ben & Jerry’s decision to boycott Israel as a “principled mor- al stance which we fully support.” He claimed that the Jewish out- rage over Amnesty International libeling Israel as an apartheid state was “manufactured,” and that the real issue is that Israel maintains an “endemic, oppressive regime, in which the… human rights of millions of Palestinians are ruth- lessly violated.” That “clear agenda” is where the rotten heart of Biden’s ambassador to Israel lies. T he APN webinar was co-host- ed by Susskind and New York teachers’ union boss Randi Weing- arten. Weingarten, an APN board member, had previously ranted that “American Jews are now part of the ownership class... who now want to take that ladder of oppor- tunity away from those who do not have it” when asked by a Jewish journalist if unions like hers had too much power. Weingarten’s friend, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Cong. Bet Simcha, had faced a member revolt over her extreme anti-Israel views, evidence of which included reading the names of dead Hamas terrorists as well as Is- raeli casualties from her pulpit, and providing space to Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. Biden has since ap- pointed Kleinbaum to the Commission on International Reli- gious Freedom despite her support for former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s dis- crimination against Orthodox Jews during the pandemic. Nides told Susskind and Weingarten that he and Biden wanted to divide Jerusalem, and that “my job is to knock down things that make that possibility impossible.” The leading thing to knock down would be the Jewish state. Nides said that his priority was fighting to prevent Jews from liv- ing in those parts of Jerusalem that had been captured by invading Muslim armies in 1948 and were liberated from their occupiers in 1967 during the Six Day War. “We can’t have the Israelis do- ing settlement growth, both in East Jerusalem or the West Bank,” said Nides. He failed to explain how Jews living in the city of King Da- vid and King Solomon, of Jewish kings and prophets, could be occu- pying “settlements”. “I can’t stop everything, just so we’re clear, I have to pick my battles,” Nides said at the webinar. “E-1 was a disaster; I went full bore on E-1.” E-1 would begin at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Perhaps Nides would also like to evict the Jews who have been buried there for thousands of years for also be- ing “settlers”. Nides apologized to his Ameri- cans for Peace Now audience for not being able to stop every Jew from living in Jerusalem. “I’d be lying to you if every single house… in East Jerusalem or the West Bank I could stop… I can’t stop every- thing, just so we are clear.” “I’m a bit of a nag on this, in- cluding the idea of settlement growth – which infuriates me,” Nides continued, as if he were the proconsul of an occupying regime tasked with policing the natives rather than a diplomatic envoy dis- patched by an ally to cooperate on regional security. A few years ago, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, a law named after Taylor Force, an American military veteran mur- dered in Tel Aviv by Islamic ter- rorists. The Palestinian Authority, the PLO government in Ramallah, treated Force’s killer as one of its fighters and put his family on a generous pension. This ‘Pay to Slay’ program dispenses millions to imprisoned Islamic terrorists or their families as a reward for kill- ing Jews. The Taylor Force Act cut off a lot of American subsidies to the PLO until such a time as it stopped funding terrorism. Nides used the PLO term for ‘Pay to Slay,’ describing them as “martyr payments”. Islamic terrorists describe their crimes as “martyrdom,” and an American ambassador should use the term “terrorism” instead of talking like a Jihadist. Biden’s ambassador further claimed that the issue with “these martyr payments” is that they “have caused an enormous amount of problems because it gives the ‘haters’ an excuse not to support the PA based on the argument that it is ‘paying for people who killed Jews.’” Rather than vocally condemn the PLO for subsidizing the mur- der of Americans and Jews, Nides appeared to only be concerned that the terror payments were an “ex- cuse” for Jewish “haters” to cut off funding to the terrorists. It’s no wonder that he recent- ly tweeted, “Pleased to see lots for Palestinians in the budget just signed by @POTUS Biden: $144 million increase (now $219 mil- lion) for Economic Support Funds, $40 million for security forces training in the WBank, and $50 million for 2nd year of the Nita Lowey MEPPA Fund.” The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Nides’s webinar with APN, stating that a “U.S. official should not be legitimizing the pro-BDS group Peace Now.” ZOA President Morton A. Klein declared that he “strongly condemns U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides’s immoral, anti-Jewish, dis- criminatory anti-Israel statements.” Unfortunately, Nides is char- acteristic of the anti-Israel Biden administration. The Americans for Peace Now webinar was co-hosted by Weing- arten, a close ally of the Biden ad- ministration. Beyond Weingarten, the APN board includes top lefty digital campaigner Mik Moore, top leftist donor Danny Goldberg, HRW’s Kathleen Peratis, Christine Blasey Ford, lawyer Debra Katz, and other Democratic political es- tablishment figures. Nides knew exactly whom he was talking to and who his real au- dience at this event was. The anti-Israel establishment controls the Democrats. Any am- bassador to Israel is going to be vetted by them. Nides wasn’t picked by Biden, he was selected by J Street, APN, and other anti-Is- rael hate groups. His job isn’t to build relations with Israel, but with its haters. Tom Nides is not the ambassa- dor to Israel. He’s the ambassador to the anti-Israel lobby. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journal- ist and writer focusing on the radi- cal Left and Islamic terrorism. Nides continued from page 4 No-man’s land between the Old City and New City of Jerusalem, before they were reunited during the Six Day War. Nides, once Barack Obama’s deputy secre- tary of state, is close to “pro peace” lobby groups whose main goal is the end of Israel. 855.229.4377 IV Support Holdings Contact your local DIRECTV dealer! $ 79 99 MO. For12mos.+ taxesandfees. CHOICE ™ PACKAGE 185+ Channels * W/24-mo.agmt.Priceshigher in2ndyear.Regional SportsFeeup to$11.99/mo. isextra&applies. • ACCESS 70,000+ SHOWS AND MOVIES ON DEMAND. Requiressubscriptionstotop-tierPREMIERprogramming.Otherpackageswillhave fewershowsandmovies. • • DOWNLOAD YOUR DVR RECORDINGS to your devices at home and watch o ine anywhere.** THE MOST LIVE SPORTS IN 4K HDR. Limited4KHDRprogrammingavailable.CHOICEPkgorhigher required formost4KHDR live sports.4KHDR compatibleequipment,minimumprogramming,4Kaccountauthorizationandprofessional installation required. 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