JEWISH WORLD • APRIL 12-18, 2024 17 have this movie tells a heroic story that needs to be told,” he said. Educator Richard Saloman: ‘It’s important to keep this history alive so that future generations may un- derstand what really happened. continued her work of teaching stu- dents about the Holocaust. “Our mis- sion has been to promote openness, love and under- standing to unify people, not sepa- rate or discriminate against them,” she said from her road tour to help pro- mote the movie. Speaking before an audience of sev- eral hudred at the movie’s premiere, Gordon explained that he had first heard Irena’s story on the radio and was “enthralled by it.” “I called the station, and then I called Irena,” he said. “We got to be good friends and I got to know her, driving her to all these educational talks, which she gave for the rest of her life.” Gordon wrote the Broadway play, Irena’s Vow, on which the film is based. Starring re- nowned actress To- vah Feldshuh as Ire- na, it premiered at the Walter Kerr Theater in 2009. Unfortu- nately, it was during the recession when Broadway theaters were struggling, and it closed in June 2009 after 105 regular per- formances. Gordon has since written a novelization of the story, also called Ire- na’s Vow. Among those who spoke at the Manhattan premiere was Jeff Sack- man, one of the film’s producers. Sackman said that in his 35 years of making movies, he has never seen one so riveting. “I’m really excited to Irena (Sophie Nélisse) runs in the marketplace as German planes y overhead. Producer Jeff Sackman said, ‘Irena’s story has more relevance now than ever.’ Irena serves German generals. “Unfortunately, we’ve returned to a time when Jew-hatred is as bad as it was back then,” said Gor- don. “Irena’s story is extraordi- narily important and has more rel- evance now than ever.” Debbie Tuma is a Long Island journalist and radio host at WLNG 92.1FM. Richard Saloman: ‘It’s important to keep this history alive so that future generations may understand what really happened.’ Writer Dan Gordon also wrote the play ‘Irena’s Vow,’ which premiered on Broadway in 2009, starring Tovah Feldshuh. On April 15 and 16, Irena’s Vow will be playing at theaters across the country, including Long Island, the New York met- ropolitan area, and also NJ and CT. To see a listing in your area, Google “Irena’s Vow movie near me.” The real Irena Gut, later Opdyke.