JEWISH WORLD • APRIL 12-18, 2024 7 and consumed the whole burnt offer- ing…The entire nation saw, fell on their faces and said, “The Lord He is God, the Lord He is God” …and they slaughtered the false prophets of Baal.’ (I Kings 18:37–40) T he story, however, is not yet over. Ironically and tragically accurate is the response of Jezebel, wicked and idolatrous Queen of Is- rael, to Elijah: “At this time tomor- row shall make your life like each of those [slaughtered prophets]” (ibid. 19:2). Why the next day and not on that? After all, the powerful and diabolical Queen Jezebel could just as easily have ordered an im- mediate execution for Elijah. But she understood that had she done so on the day of the miraculous oc- currence, when Elijah was a nation- al hero, she may well have faced a popular uprising. By the next day, however, the miracle would have God, and a sin offering, usually ex- plained as being necessary in case the woman, while experiencing the pain of childbirth, took an oath nev- er to become pregnant again. What is strange about all this is that the mother is not commanded to give a thanksgiving offering, the most like- ly sacrifice one would expect to find in such a situation. There is yet a second question, specific to the thanksgiving offer- ing. The general law regarding a thanksgiving offering is that it must be completely consumed on the day on which it is brought – one day and one night. The priests eat of it their allotted portion, those who bring it eat of it, and others in By SHLOMO RISKIN “If a woman has conceived seed and born a male child: then she shall be unclean for seven days; as in the days of her menstrual sickness shall she be unclean.” (Leviticus 12:2) O ne of the greatest miracles of life is that of childbirth – and this Torah portion opens with the short state of impu- rity (bound up with the women’s and child’s close brush with death) and the much longer state of purity (because of the marvelous phenom- enon of the continuity of life) which the mother must experience. And the Bible also commands the moth- er to bring two sacrifices (obvious- ly during Temple times): a whole burnt offering, symbolizing the fact that all of life ultimately belongs to sumed under the more general cate- gory of peace offerings ( shelamim ), and all of the other peace offerings, like those brought in payment of an oath, may be consumed for two days. Why give only the thanksgiv- ing offering one day to be eaten? Before presenting an answer to both questions, we must first review the fascinating biblical account of Elijah the Prophet on Mount Carm- el. You will remember that Elijah, sorely vexed by the multitude of Is- raelites following the pagan god Baal, arranged for a daring contest in front of 600,00 Israelites, involv- ing 450 prophets of Baal versus the lone Elijah – on top of Mount Carm- el. The prophets of each arranged their respective altars, the Baalists prayed, danced, sang and slashed their skin to their idol – but received neither an answer nor even just a re- sponse. Elijah turned heavenward: “Answer me OGod, answer me…, and a fire from the Lord descended A Time To Eat Sacri ces Parshat Tazria Leviticus 12:1-13:59 Jerusalem may be invited to eat of it – as long as it is consumed by the end of the first night. Josephus records that since many wealthy people would bring espe- cially generous thanksgiving offer- ings in accordance with their sta- tion in life, and since the meat had to be consumed in one day, there was always plenty of “barbecued” meat offered to residents of and pil- grims to Jerusalem in open “Kid- dushes” free to everyone. This cer- tainly added an extra incentive to travel to Jerusalem for the pilgrim festivals – good food, free of charge, was always in abundance! But the thanksgiving offering is merely one type of sacrifice con- The thanksgiving offering must be consumed on the day it was brought; by the next day, the feelings of gratitude will have dissipated. DVAR TORAH continued on page 26 Ceremonial Plate $18.99 $399.90 for 10 APPETIZER 10 pieces of Gefilte Fish & 1 qt. Chopped Liver SOUP 4 qts. Chicken Soup & 12 Matzo Balls ENTREE (Choose One) 5 Roast Chickens with 9” tin of Matzo Farfel Whole Roast Turkey (15 lb. avg.) 4 lbs. 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Ben’s Homemade Gravy SIDES (Choose Two) Broccoli Almondine Matzo Farfel & Mushrooms Parsley Red Potatoes Sweet Potato Pudding • Potato Pudding Don’t Pass Over Ben’s Catered Holiday Dinners for 6 or 10! Order By April 16, 2024 To Earn Rewards! Ben’s Preferred Patron Club Members: Order our package for 10 and receive three BUY-1-GET-1 50% OFF meal rewards or order our package for 6 and receive one BUY-1-GET-1 50% OFF meal reward for future use. *