In Hezbollah’s Sights: A Reporter Visits The Front In Northern Israel Page 12 Breitbart: Post-October 7 Israel as seen by a Great Neck Activist Page 18 Vol 53 #22 June 14-20, 2024 • 28 - 14 Sivan, 5784 The Jews o f Sag Harbor: Their Story As told by a man whose family left Hungary for a new life on the East End 120 years ago. Author Karl Grossman (bottom left) holds a photo of his grandparents Herman and Stefanie Grossman. Herman was one of many Hungarian Jewish engravers who came to Sag Harbor early last century to work for The Fahys Watch Case Company (left). Congregants of the town’s first synagogue, Temple Mishcan Israel, pose in front of the building, circa 1902.