JEWISH WORLD • JUNE 14-20, 2024 27 continued from page 14 Fetterman Sen. Fetterman draped himself in an Israeli flag as he joined the near- ly 300,000 people gathered last November in Washington, D.C., in support of the IDF’s war against Hamas. of lives were saved. On the lighter side of our trip, the beauty and innovation of Isra- el shined at the Shiloh Winery which has just been relocated to a beautiful new building overlook- ing green meadows (Photo 18). Visiting and harvesting parsley at the Yemeni nursery south of Ash- kelon showed us the loveliness of rows and rows of greenery as well as the dire need of these farmers for volunteers. Finally, the incred- ible sight of three unblemished red heifers from Texas that have found their home in the Ancient Shiloh Heritage Site brought us the hope that this biblically pure heifer will herald the coming of greater miracles. My visit to Israel opened the gates to constant emotions: trage- dy and sorrow mingled with opti- mism and hope; the power of an- ger giving way to determination and strength; humility and kind- ness prevailing throughout. The Jewish world is witnessing the most selfless acts of heroism from Israel’s young soldiers and the cit- izens’ heroism in taking care of its nation. One realizes howmuch we owe to them, how much we can continued from page 17 Breitbart NO MATTER IF YOUR FAVORITE SHAVUOS (AND SUMMER) RECIPE INVOLVES GRILLING, CHILLING, BROILING OR BAKING, PREPARE TO DISCOVER WHY MISCEO IS TOPS WHEN IT COMES TO BEING A “SAUCE OF INSPIRATION.” MISCEOLIQUEURS.COM INFO@MISCEOLIQUEURS.COM @MISCEOLIQUEURS MISCEO LIQUEURS PLEASE MISCEO RESPONSIBLY THIS IS OUR SAUCI ST AD EVER E AVAILABLE AT WHAT YOU’LL NEED 1⁄2 Cup Misceo 1⁄4 Cup Fresh Lime Juice 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 1 Tsp Grated Ginger 6 Spritzes Hot Sauce 1⁄4 Tsp White Pepper 1⁄8 Tsp Dried Dill Weed WHAT YOU’LL DO Shake all ingredients together in a covered container until mixed. Let stand for at least an hour so flavors “marry.” Shake well before using. Baste fish on both sides and allow to marinate for 30 minutes. Baste as desired during baking or barbecuing. MISCEO CITRUS SALMON BBQ SAUCE/MARINADE WHAT YOU’LL NEED ¾ Cup Misceo 6 Cups Fresh Fruits Or Berries (Seasonal Or Specialty) 3 Tbsp Brown Sugar, Packed (Adjust To Taste) WHAT YOU’LL DO Cut up fruits and place in bowl. In a separate, smaller bowl, combine Misceo and brown sugar. Mix well then fold into fruit & allow to marinate for about an hour before serving. Yields about 1 ¾ cups per person when served “compote” style. MISCEO FRUIT MARINADE SANGRIA STYLE WHAT YOU’LL NEED ½ Cup + 2 Tbsp Misceo ½ Cup Brewed Coffee,(Not Instant) 2⁄3 Cup Ketchup 3 Large Peeled Shallots 3 Cloves Peeled Garlic ½ Cup Dark Brown Sugar 1⁄3 Cup Sweet Chili Sauce 1 Tbsp Tamari ½ Tsp Ground Ginger 2 Tsp Chili Powder 1-2 Tsp Sea Salt WHAT YOU’LL DO Place shallots, garlic and 3 Tbsp of ketchup in food processor and blend into a paste. Add that mixture along with the rest of the ingredients into a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Lower heat & simmer for 45 min or until sauce is reduced by 1⁄3 and is significantly thicker. Taste & fine tune with salt & spice as needed. After it cools in the saucepan place in glass jar until ready for use. MISCEO CLASSIC Q SAUCE As Seen In Holiday Gift Guide DistributedBy : Allied ImportersUSA tzitzit that were given to the sol- diers of lives were saved. On the lighter side of our trip, the beauty and innovation of Israel shined at the Shiloh Winery which has just been relocated to a beauti- ful new building overlooking green meadows (Photo 18). Visit- ing and harvesting parsley at the Yemeni nursery south of Ashkelon showed us the loveliness of rows and rows of greenery as well as the dire need of these farmers for vol- unteers. Finally, the incredible sight of three unblemished red heifers from Texas that have found their home in the Ancient Shiloh Heritage Site brought us the hope that this biblically pure heifer will herald the coming of greater mira- cles. My visit to Israel opened the gates to constant emotions: tragedy and sorrowmingled with optimism and hope; the power of anger giv- ing way to determination and strength; humility and kindness prevailing throughout. The Jewish world is witnessing the most self- less acts of heroism from Israel’s young soldiers and the citizens’ heroism in taking care of its nation. One realizes how much we owe to them, how much we can learn from their lessons of survival, loy- alty, and innovation. This lesson of courage was in full display when Arnie and I made a personal visit to Sheba Medical Center. There we met Ben Binyamin and Gali Segal, a young couple who had just got engaged the week before attending the Nova Festival. Despite each hav- ing lost their right leg in the terror- ist attack, they remained positive and optimistic. They could not believe they had survived the gre- nade that injured them, so they were now determined and confi- dent that they would be walking down the aisle at their wedding. We felt their resilience and power- ful love – we were in awe. I’m glad I was here to feel all this as you cannot really fully un- derstand the Israeli world by read- ing about it or watching it in the media; human encounter is essen- tial to truly appreciate the soul of Israel, what Israelis are doing to preserve their nation, their love of life, their traditions, their sacred past. If you can, support Israel by also being there, you cannot regret it, you will feel better. AmYisrael Chai! This story first appeared in Great Neck Synagogue’s Scope Magazine. Viviane Dabbah Breit- bart of Great Neck is a philanthro- pist with a special interest in pro- moting Jewish values and education in Israel and the U.S. University highlights his stellar ex- ample of strength and leadership.” Berman, the YU president, called Fetterman “one of the true heroes of our time for his unwavering and cou- rageous commitment to moral clari- ty, which has fortified our communi- ty and been a clarion call for our country. “In the one commencement cere- mony that has never been in doubt, I am proud to announce that I will be awarding YU’s highest honor for global leadership, our presidential medallion, to a true U.S. patriot and hero of Israel: Senator John Fetter- man,” Berman posted on May 22. “It is truly humbling to be invited to share in this milestone with the graduates of Yeshiva University,” Fetterman stated in a Yeshiva Univer- sity news release before graduation. “As we gather to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class, we must also acknowledge the profound significance of their journey within the context of the re- cent surge in antisemitism across the country,” he added. “I thank Ye- shiva University for the opportunity to join these students on this mo- mentous day.” Menachem Wecker is news editor of the U.S. bureau of Jewish News Syndicate. . David Swindle is a writer at Jew- ish News Syndicate