4 JEWISH WORLD • JUNE 14-20, 2024 2 JEWISH WORLD • JUNE 14-20, 2024 115 Middle Neck Rd. Great Neck, NY 11021 516-818-1733 The award-winning independent Jewish newspaper of Long Island Publisher & editor-in-chief Jerome Wm. Lippman Assistant Editor Jeff Helmreich Features Editor Barbara Weinblatt Travel Editor Tania Grossinger Contributors Douglas M. Bloomfield, Shira Dicker, Lawrence J. Epstein, Marcelle Sussman Fischler, Ezra Goldstein,, Sandy Portnoy, Joseph R. Rackman, Erica Rauzin, Walter Ruby, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Barbara Schultz, Jacob Stein, Carol Steinberg, Harold S. Steinberg, Andrew Wohlberg, Nora Yood Karl Grossman Production Editor Laura Katz Staff Photographers David Karp, Sender Schwartz Traffic Manager Karen Chasin Director of Advertising Bernice Witten Account Executives Joyce Ehrlich, Enid Feldman, Dave Levin Lee Lichtman, Joyce Rudnick, Judy Schnelwar For Israel Advertising Information International Media Placement P.O.B. 7195, Jerusalem, Israel 91071 (02) 6252933 Fax (02) 6249240 Art Director Deborah Gruenberger Marketing Consultant Adam Simms Circulation Manager Patricia Locklin Counsel Steven D. Cohn All material in this paper has been copyrighted, is the exclusive property of this newspaper, and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect the editor’s point of view. Composition responsibility: This newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. We are not responsible for the Kashruth of any product or establishment advertised in this newspaper. All advertisements designed and prepared by the Jewish World are the sole property of the newspaper and can not be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Published weekly by the Empire Publishing corporation. Jerome Wm. Lippman, President. Long Island Jewish World (ISSN 0199-2899) is published weekly for $26 per year by Empire Publishing Corporation, 115 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021. Periodicals postage paid at Great Neck, NY. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to L.I. Jewish World, P.O. Box #220297. Great Neck, NY 11022-0010. Includes the Long Island Jewish Press, founded 1942, serving Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. Local Offices: 1441 President Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213 311 W. 37th Street New York, N.Y. 10018 CANDLE LIGHTING Friday, June 14 Candles at 8:09pm Shabbat ends 9:18pm Friday, June 21 Candles at 8:11pm Shabbat ends 9:20pm By RACHEL LESTER A ll of Israel and the entire Jewish people spent the weekend crying tears of joy after the IDF rescued Noa Argama- ni, Andrey Kozlov, Almog Meir and Shlomi Ziv from captivity in Gaza and brought them home. It feels like the single greatest IDF accomplish- ment since Entebbe, and we will all undoubtedly remember for the rest of our lives where we were when we heard the news. Entirely predictably, though, not everyone found the events to be such a cause for celebration. Short- ly after the hostages were rescued, “reports came out” that at least “210 Palestinians were killed and over 400 were injured” during the oper- ation. Now, “reports came out” is who I’m quoting? It’s Francesca Albanese, the UN special rappor- teur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territo- ries. She was one of many social media users who rushed to tweet their condemnation so fast they for- got that they didn’t know that hap- pened yet. W ho’s going to convince these people that we have zero verification for the number of ca- sualties that actually happened? Or the fact that we do not have any inkling what percentage were Hamas members and/or people ac- tively shooting at the IDF rescue team versus actual civilians? Thus far, one video (allegedly) from the scene has gone viral: around a doz- en dead bodies lying in the street in Nuseirat. Every single one of them continued on page 31 PERSPECTIVE mainstream news outlets from doing a laughable job covering the story. Apparently, rescuing four innocent Israelis who were rotting away in unimaginable hell for eight months “should not have come at the ex- pense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children.” Can you guess that elusive phrase that could mean anything from “people on the street are estimating…” to “Hamas made up the claim…” and days later, the “reports” are no more verified than they were when first made. But that hasn’t stopped the an- ti-Israel mob from being furious, or Angered By The Rescue? Too bad. You anger should be directed at Hamas To all on traditional media and social media who, without knowing the facts, are enraged at how the rescue mission was conducted - I don’t care what you think. Rescued hostage Noa Argamani and her father, Yaacov. By LAZAR BERMAN T housands of mourners, among them family mem- bers of hostages held inGaza, flocked to Jerusalem on Sunday to attend the funeral of Arnon Zmora, the police counter-terror officer killed Saturday during an opera- tion that rescued four captives from central Gaza. Zmora, an officer of the elite Ya- mam counter-terrorism unit, was shot and critically injured by Hamas terror- ists guarding three of the four hostages. He succumbed to his wounds shortly upon arriving at a hospital in Israel. He was part of the mission to res- cue Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Ko- zlov, Shlomi Ziv and Noa Argamani, which was subsequently renamed “Operation Arnon” in his honor. I nside the cemetery, Zmora’s mother Ruti eulogized her son, whom she said was not only “your mother’s hero,” but also “an entire country’s hero.” “Your favorite movie as a child was ‘Robin Hood.’ In second Even before the arrival of the funeral procession at Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl military cemetery, Israelis lined the street outside the Zmora family’s home in the nearby town of Mevasseret Zion, waving Israeli flags in tribute. grade, you dressed up as a para- trooper. You looked up to Yoni Ne- tanyahu for Operation Entebbe,” Channel 12 news quoted Ruti as saying, referring to the IDF hero — brother of the current prime minister — killed during the 1976 mission that saved over 100 Israeli hostages kidnapped to Uganda. “My boy, full of joy, of life, with a kind gaze and a rolling laugh that remains in my heart,” she said. “An imaginative, creative child who knows that even if the road is dif- ficult, the sky is the limit. “My beloved child,” she contin- ued, “I am so happy that last Fri- day I was able to say to you: ‘Ar- non, take care of yourself and your friends. I love you.’ You answered me: ‘Mom, I love you too.’” “I knew it was Russian roulette,” she said. “You sacrificed your life Arnon Zmora, Hero Honoring officer killed in hostage rescue op IN MEMORIAM continued on page 31 Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, who was killed on Saturday during the rescue operation in Gaza. The rescue of the hostages, said PM Netanyahu, ‘came with great pain, the fall of the hero of Israel, the IDF warrior, the late commander Arnon Zmora.’ Honoring officer kille ostage rescue op Too bad. Your anger should be directed at Hamas